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We protect our website and other systems with technological and organisational safeguards against unauthorised third-party loss, destruction, access, alteration, or dissemination of personal data. This is done to guarantee that you feel comfortable while viewing our website since your privacy is essential to us. The information you supply to us will be used exclusively to process your order and will not be shared with third parties for commercial reasons or any other questionable activity.

By placing an order with us, you agree to the use of our Privacy Policy and that the details you share with us will be used for ensuring your customer satisfaction, such as confirming and tracking your order; comparing the information for discrepancies, preventing fraudulent activities, identifying your product and services preferences and supplying you with helpful guidelines on how to obtain them, and other activities which serve to prove for a satisfactory customer experience.


We ensure that your data will be handled confidentially and encrypted with SSL (Secure-Socket-Layer) secure server software. The encrypted information of your order, your name, address, credit card or bank details cannot be read by any third party. This is noted by a small “lock” icon for any website which uses SSL and is situated in the very beginning of your address bar, right before the web address.

Data Security

We guarantee the security of your card numbers, transactions, Social Security numbers, and any other form of personal data as they will be transmitted securely between you as a customer and our domain. Thanks to the SSL security technology which serves to transfer information between a client and a server, without it being leaked to any third parties and ensuring the transferred details are used solely for the purposes the client has agreed upon browsing the respective website.

PCI Compliance

GLAMIRA hosts all data securely with a PCI (Payment Card Industry) Compliant hosting provider. We, as a highly experienced company, are aware of how important it is for the customer to feel safe while purchasing online and we acknowledge that securing their data and especially credit card information is essential for a successful business. PCI compliance serves to optimize the security of any card, be it credit, debit, or even cash card. This is a set of widely-spread and accepted policies which are all made with the intention to protect the personal information of a client and guarantee their safety while browsing and paying online. It also protects from misuse of personal and payment details.